
Susana Chirillo – Pastor
Luis Chirillo – Pastor
Yamila Frith – Worship Pastor

Pastor`s Team:

  • Diana Valencia
  • Boris Jaimes
  • Mariela Nuñez
  • Juan Pablo Gomez
  • Luisa & Kevin Freitas
  • Marinita Leiva
Who we are?

We are an International Ministry founded through the fire of the Holy Spirit.  We believe in the Word of God as our basis of Faith through the direction and guide of the Holy Spirit with His Prophetic Fire of Heaven bringing Revelation directly from the Throne of God.

How it began

Prophetic Light Ministries was founded in 2012.  

The Spirit of God spoke through His prophets and through various dream-visions preparing Prophet Susana for His plan to use her in the United States. After almost 10 years as Senior Pastor of The Great Vision Ministries in Canada, God spoke to Prophet Susana and commanded that she and her husband begin ministering in Florida. What started as a visit, God orchestrated into the foundations of a church and through the prophetic gifts of God’s Spirit began to snowball into a full-fledged, registered charity ministry.

As everything began to fall into place they began to seek God for a name. The Holy Spirit took Susana into a dream announcing the coming of Christ. The epiphany manifested as light and the name was created to harold God’s prophetic call and divine plans for this Ministry.

In all that has been done and everything that we anticipate God to do through His people, we humbly desire to serve in love, so that God may always be glorified.

The Vision


Spreading the Gospel in love to bring many to know Him as Saviour, Father, Counsellor, Healer, Provider, Protector, Best Friend, and All in All. Loving people enough to look beyond what natural eyes see, seeing people as God sees them- His precious Children, His Beloved. Knowing we are the Hands and Feet of Jesus in this world.

Restoration & Inner Healing

 Dealing with rejection, past mistakes, hurts & heartaches, unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, self-pity, pride, anger, strife, control, fear and all other oppressions from the past. Bringing His people into the realization and knowledge that God has so much more for them.  God delights in restoring His children with His Healing Love because of His Amazing Grace. He designed them to be the Head and not the Tail- Embassadors of Christ in the world.


Taking authority in Jesus’ name over principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high places. Understanding the power of Intercessory prayer and teaching people that He is the only one to break chains and set the captives truly free. Seeing people delivered from Evil forces (addictions, pervertion, distraction, the occult, etc.).


Loving the Lord, knowing Him, following Him and knowing there is nothing greater anywhere than His love for us. Knowing His presence and His peace. Desiring to live this life for His Glory and not our own. Separating our hearts for Him and living consecrated to Him. Watching our thoughts, our words and our actions as not to grieve the Holy Spirit of God.


A beautiful gift from the Lord for His Beloved, designed for them to enter into His Glory. Spending time with the Lord in prayer and worship as to grow in deeper intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Building our personal relationship with the Lord on a daily basis as we would our relationships with family and friends. Depicting Christianity as Lifestyle and not a Religion.


We believe praise and worship is an expression of our love and adoration for God. We believe it goes far beyond music, and lyrics and becomes a connection from our spirit to the Spirit of the Father. We desire to use our many different styles of worship to touch heaven and break down all structures of men, leaving only the Freedom of the Spirit of God.


Serve God in His house knowing that anyone who loves God serves HIM unconditionally in His Temple.


When we build our relationship with Him we build our homes as well. God created the Family Unit as a Ministry! We build each other up, edifying our Spiritual Family as well as our biological one. Fathers and mothers being one unit, bringing up their children in the Truth of God’s Word, that they woud never depart from the ways of the Lord. Bringing forgiveness for past mistakes, mending broken pieces of broken families. Seeing God move in the lives of people.

Forming Leaders 

Form, equip and send  people to lead in the capacity of their calling. ( Pastors, teachers, etc..)

Global VISION 


Our Vision is to see GLOBAL REVIVAL in all the nations and  we will utilize all the available ways to reach to them.

The Mission
To be the place where God’s Spirit moves freely to minister, restore, consolidate, and work in the lives of His people. To seek after the heart of God in unity as one Body, the bride of Christ. To witness His Supernatural Power, Signs & Miracles and Glory over the earth. To receive GLOBAL Revival . To be the mind, hands & feet of Jesus.
Our Creed

The Bible

We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and immutable word of God. (2 Timothy 3:15, 1 Peter 1: 23-25, Hebrews 4:12)

The Trinity

We believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, and that the three are one. (Matthew 28:19, 1 John 5: 7) We believe in God the Father as creator of heaven and earth. Jesus Christ the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Holy Spirit; who was crucified and will return in Glory and Power. The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of God on earth – bringing conviction to hearts, restoration and freedom to souls. (Isaiah 7:14, 9: 6, Matthew 1:23, John 1:14, 1 John 5: 7, Luke 1: 30-35)

Salvation and Sanctification

We believe in personal salvation through the precious blood shed of Jesus Christ, obtained by faith and given by the divine grace of God. We believe in the need for sanctification and restoration through the Holy Spirit by sinful human nature. (Hebrews 12:14, Romans 6: 19-22, John 3: 16-19, 5:24, Acts 4:12)

The resurrection of the dead and eternal life

We believe in the resurrection of the dead. Those who are inscribed in the book of life will rise for eternal life and those who are not, for eternal damnation. (John 5: 28-29, 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17, Revelation 19:20, 20: 10-15)

Baptism in water

We believe in water baptism as a symbol of identification with death (to sin) and with the resurrection of Jesus for eternal life. (Romans 6: 4, Matthew 28:19, Matthew 3: 13-17)

The baptism of the Holy Spirit

We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in heavenly tongues for the edification of the Body of Christ and in the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1: 4-8, Acts 2: 38-39, Matthew 28:19, Romans 6: 4, Luke 24:29)


We believe in Holy Communion as a celebration in memory of the Last Supper and until the return of Christ for His Church. (1 Corinthians 11: 24-30)


We believe in spreading the gospel of the Kingdom locally, nationally and globally, by all available means. (Matthew 24:14)

Signs and wonders

We believe in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. In divine healing available to every believer through Faith in Jesus Christ. In complete prosperity: spiritual, mental, physical, financial and emotional. We believe that God equips the church to heal the sick, cast out demons, and perform miracles, wonders, signs, and wonders. (John 3: 3, Romans 10: 9-10, 2 Timothy 1: 7, Isaiah 53: 4-5, Matthew 8:17, 3 John 1: 2, Malachi 3: 10-11, Luke 6:38, Matthew 12:28)

The second coming of Jesus

We believe that Jesus Christ, our hope, will soon return for his people in Glory and Power. (1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17, 2 Thessalonians 2: 1).